Borough: Southwark
Architect: ARCHEA
Building Control: Assent South East
Engineer: DEC Consulting Engineers Ltd
Windows/doors/skylights: SPACEFLOWER
The property consists of a pair of semi-detached houses located on Barry Road, between Peckham Rye & East Dulwich.
Having first been appointed on the full refurbishment, extension & upgrade of 1 of a pair of semi-detached properties, the neighbouring (dilapidated) property came onto the market, and the client's sister and family were able to acquire the property. At this point our appointment was extended to provide the coordinated development of both properties.
Given the original quality and stature of the pair of houses, it was agreed that the refurbishment had to be true to the original character of the building. We then designed the rear and dormer extensions to be high quality contemporary additions, that were both respectful of, and subtly contrasted, the building's original character and design.
In addition to the external refurbishment and extensions, an extensive internal rebuilding and upgrading exercise was also required. The original workmanship and structural strategy employed had meant that the condition of the existing structure was unsound and extensive structural upgrades were required, and there was also extensive damage from long term damp - ultimately requiring the re-building & finishing of all internal floors, walls, windows, roofs and services. Also due to the size of the properties, and the fact that both were effectively end of terrace, being exposed on 3 sides, an extensive retrofit was required to provide fully insulated external walls, roofs and new double glazed timber sash windows (to match the original). The end result is a significantly warmer, more energy efficient property, without having lost the original character and detailing of the properties.
With the strategy of the internal and external refurbishment and extensions agreed, and with planning permission approved, we then had scope to tailor the internal arrangements, fixtures and finishes to each families specific needs and tastes.